Why doesn't anyone ever tell you how insanely stressful buying a house is??? We have three months to find a house to buy. We were just approved for our loan last Monday, and we have yet to look at any houses (we're meeting up with our realtor today to look at our first batch), but I feel like we're missing our chance at some houses. It's crazy how fast they go off the market. Apparently people think you should just KNOW if it's the house you're going to buy and that you should put an offer in immediately, but I want to see all my choices AND THEN decide. But what if we're not quick enough on putting a bid on a house, and we miss out? That's already happened with two houses we wanted to look at just in the past two days. Crazy.
And then there's always the question...are we doing the right thing buying a house in the same town where we currently live when we have jobs in a different town? Just a few months ago, we were so excited about leaving. What changed? Our weekly walks made us realize how beautiful our town is? Seriously? Is it smart to buy a house where we're at when it takes us a 1/2 hour to get to work? We had been looking near our jobs, but the houses that look the same as where we live are $20,000 more. I think we're being smart then, staying here...right? Why save gas money and live in a crappier house when you can drive a bit but live in a home you WANT to come home to?
I think I'm so worried something's going to change in our lives, and owning a house compared to renting makes it so much more difficult to leave. BUT then again, buying a house means we'll be able to save more money that we can use for traveling...something we both want to do more of. BUT then again, if something breaks down in our house, we're now responsible. BUT then again, we are the ones that get to pick paint colors, furniture, appliances...etc. We're the ones that get to make this house beautiful. Responsibility sucks. Adulthood sucks. But IT'S SO AWESOME!!! hmmmmmmm. The above information has been going through my head for the past few weeks and probably won't stop until after we get a house. I'll probably have a heart attack by then lol.
Not to change the subject, but have you ever smelled these marshmallows? Every time I go through the baking aisle, I smell these. They make me happy. I'll probably never buy them though?

I needed chocolate a while ago and decided to make my own chocolate covered pretzels. It's so stinkin' easy, I don't know why people buy those crappy chocolate covered pretzels from the store (okay, because they taste really good lol).
Pretzels, however many you want
Chocolate, whatever kind you want, however much you want
Melt chocolate over like medium-low heat(I used my version of a double boiler since I don't have one-two pots, one with a tiny bit of water, and the smaller pot sets inside it. Make sure the water isn't touching the bottom of the smaller pot)
I thought it was easiest to put the melted chocolate in a bag, cut off a small part of the corner, and drizzle the chocolate onto the pretzels. BAM. Done. I mean, you still need to wait a while (overnight is even best) for them to completely harden, but they taste good immediately. I would recommend eating a few. You've earned it.

Yum. And the best part? All that leftover chocolate not on the pretzels? Um, you get to eat that. You're welcome.
This post is ALL OVER THE PLACE lol. That's what my mind is currently doing! I'll keep whoever reads this posted on our home buying. I'm going to go look at the pictures of the houses again for the fifty-billionith time.