A few weeks ago, Tim and I went to a wedding. We got there about 5 minutes late, due to some last minute looking for clothes for Tim to wear that at least slightly matched mine…I think he now knows that when I say we should go to the store to find him a specific colored shirt, he's going to do it :). We clashed so bad haha. I was pretty upset about it actually, because not only did I buy a dress specifically for this wedding, but we've never really had the opportunity to dress up so nicely for something before, and I really wanted to get a picture of us. You can't do that when you don't match. Well, you can, but I didn't really want to :)
Anyway, we get to the wedding, and practically everyone is wearing jeans. Great. I sure was glad I didn't wear my heels. Tim changed his super nice shirt into a plaid shirt, making us clash even more; but at that point, I was long past caring about if we matched or not. I figured if he was comfortable, that was the most important thing.
The ceremony was great, about 1/2 hour long. I took some pictures, and Tim and I really enjoyed it, especially with it being an outside wedding.
The reception was at the same place, so everyone went inside while the bride, groom, and bridal party got their photos taken. Fast forward 2 hours later, and Tim and I were extremely hungry. The DJ had just said they hadn't heard anything from the bride and groom yet, and Tim and I were getting antsy. Now, Tim and I didn't know anyone at this wedding besides the bride and groom, and neither of us are great conversationalists, so we were sitting at a table by ourselves, eating the mints and chocolates from our favor boxes.
Then Tim suggested something scandalous…"Hey, you know what I could go for? A burger." "That sounds amazing, but we can't leave! We're at a wedding!" We went back and forth for about 15 minutes: "We can't leave! They already paid for our meal!" "I know, but it's been 2 hours." "True, and I am really hungry. And a burger sounds AWESOME!" So, and I feel slightly bad about this, we left…
And went on a date for some burgers. And had a blast! It was so much fun pretending we had dressed up just for our date (which I plan to do more often), and the burgers were spectacular. I do feel bad for leaving the reception early, but at the same time, it was already 6:30pm, so assuming dinner was served by 7pm, then there's cake, first dance, everyone dance…etc., and then we're getting home at 11pm or after. And Tim and I are lame. We are very much homebodies, and I honestly normally fall asleep around 9:30pm. No, I am not a child or an elderly person. Just a sleepy 25-year-old.

We had a great night; and for breakfast the next morning, I decided to go all out and made us some homemade waffles and syrup, bacon, and orange juice.
This is the recipe I used, and it is pure heaven. The recipe calls for 1/4 - 1 cup butter. I used the minimum, and it still tastes awesome. You MUST put fruit on the waffles too-it adds a hint more of sweetness, and it's SO GOOD! I used fresh strawberries and slightly frozen blueberries. Mix it up. Add whatever you want, and I promise it will taste amazing.
My lesson from this? Make sure to do something you wouldn't normally do to make your life more interesting haha. I wouldn't say our days are laid out per say; however, we do the same routine A LOT. Changing it up and doing something different made our lives exciting, and it was just plain fun!