Tuesday, June 16, 2015

This past weekend, Tim and I spent time together. Wait, what? I thought you were married! We are! But you'd be surprised how many nights we get home from work and Tim spends the evening playing video games with his friends on mic while I spend it watching TV/browsing the internet. There was one night I counted, and we seriously said like two sentences to each other. Neither Tim or (nor?) I signed up for that! It was seriously getting to the point where I didn't realize why I was getting so frustrated with life in general; when I finally realized I was missing talking with my husband, all those frustrations made sense. Spending time sitting next to each other on the couch is NOT spending time with each other. I mean date time! Sounds lame, but communication really is key to a good and healthy relationship.

We had originally planned on going away for the entire weekend; but when hotel rooms cost $150+, you rethink. We spent all of last Friday together in Traverse City and then Saturday and Sunday at home.

Thursday night we went with a group of friends to a special screening of Jurassic World-I absolutely loved it! Tim thought it was cheesy, but I thought it was great :) The worst part though, was right when we walked out of the theatre, a friend of ours from high school that we haven't seen in 10 years came up to us and wanted to start talking! Now, I'm sorry, but not only had I run a few miles prior to going to the theatre (thank God I showered!) and wasn't wearing any makeup and just felt gross and kept telling my face to not get red because it likes to do that from time to time AND because it's just plain awkward seeing someone after that long (I hate small talk!), but I have the hardest time talking with someone (even Tim!) right after watching a movie. I like to take 10-15 minutes just thinking about the movie to myself and then talk. Our friend really threw me for a loop. Moving on.

Friday we took our time getting ready-we got up to Traverse around 3pm, had a consultation with a tattoo artist at 4 (Tim is getting a full sleeve of old video games! It's going to be awesome! And.....I'm getting one of our cat....and a blow dryer...I'll explain the story later when I actually get it haha), went to the mall, then went out for dinner at our favorite restaurant, Bubba's.
They seriously have the best food ever. And they have a tiny area in the back that's a bit more cozy for date night-it was perfect. They even started playing one of Dave Matthews Band's live cds before we left, which required us to listen to the whole cd on the way home :) It got us super excited for their concert NEXT MONTH!!! Wait, I'm sorry, 3 WEEKS!!!

Saturday we went for about an hour walk on the beach. We had it completely to ourselves :)
 Those are definitely not the most appealing water photos, but it was so pretty in person :) After our walk, we went to Meijer and bought a bunch of junk food, then went home and watched Jurassic Park I & II and ate said junk food. Then drank about 5 cups of water because we both felt disgusting after eating so much crap. Ugh.

It was such a nice weekend, not only because we actually got out of the house, but because we spent time together. We talked. We laughed. 

And what are we doing tonight? Well, Tim's playing video games with his friends, and I'm on my computer. Guess we'll have to go on another date.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Have you ever had Dill, Sea Salt, and Olive Oil Triscuits? They are so good. I've had a love for anything dill since I was little, back when I used to eat whole jars of homemade dill pickles my mom made. I don't know about anyone else, but my sister and I always used to want to be the ones that got to eat the piece of garlic at the bottom of the jar :)

When I was trying to decide what to put in our garden this year, my mind, of course, went wild. I had plans for a few flower gardens as well as a vegetable garden that would probably have fed 50 people. Thankfully, due to my hectic work schedule, I was unable to start my garden from seed; otherwise we probably would have ended up with 60 tomato plants like last year haha!
No rose bushes this year...this summer we're hoping to paint our home, so I want to make sure the roses that bloom match our house :)
 I just love these flowers. I'll probably go back for them.
I was probably the most fashionable person at the greenhouse with my bandaid. Bandaids are cool, Micah! (My nephew doesn't like bandaids, so my sister and I wore them hoping he'd agree. He didn't. We'll get him to like them...at some point...)

I picked up a bunch of goodies: cherry tomatoes, roma tomatoes, jalapeño peppers, banana peppers, purple peppers, vidalia onions, zucchini, brussel sprouts, watermelon, muskmelon, basil, purple basil, cilantro, and dill.

This year I'm planning on canning some salsa, marinara, dill pickles, and banana peppers. I figured if I kept the garden "small", I'd actually end up canning everything and not having to freeze it all due to lack of time.
I picked the perfect day to weed the garden...it started out just drizzling; then about a 1/2 hour into it, it was a complete downpour. But I kept on going. Because I'm crazy like that. And I wanted to get it done.

And I finished! The best part is we've continued to have horrible to some (perfect to me) summer weather, rain every day for the past week. I've only had to water the plants once :)

I really hope everything grows well-it would be such an accomplishment to be able to provide marinara, salsa, pickles...etc., for Tim and I in the winter months :)

Thursday, June 4, 2015

It's the beginning of June (duh); and usually in Michigan, it's pretty hot. I hate hot weather. I know, I know, you're not supposed to hate things, you can dislike them, but not hate them. Well, I'm sorry, but hot weather, I hate you....by the way, this blog post is proof that I'm sleep deprived from working so much this week haha, you're going to get to know everything I'm thinking :) Seriously though, hot weather brings, yes, swimming and other fun outdoorsy stuff, but who likes getting ready in the morning and having to blow dry their hair when they're sweating??? Not this girl. Who likes getting in their car when it's been sitting in the sun for about 5 minutes and having your face (and butt!) practically melt off it's so hot? Not this girl. Who likes working out, and within one minute every inch of their body is glistening with sweat??? Not this girl. 

Anyway, lucky for us, the weather has been pretty nice, below 80 degrees, so we've actually been able to enjoy a spring :) 

A couple weekends ago, Tim and I actually didn't have anything planned. I started out the day with a run and then ate that huge bowl of fruit in the picture. It was awesome. Tim and I then went to our favorite place in the world, Traverse City, for a few hours, and then Tim mowed our lawn while I ran around like a crazy person saving every flower I possibly could from the evil mower. 

 We went grocery shopping later that night, and I told Tim before we left to make sure I didn't buy any candy. Well, we went past the candy aisle fine, but then we got to the ice cream aisle, and Tim caved.
 I told myself that if I was going to buy ice cream, that I was going to buy the "healthiest" ice cream I could buy. I'm not into all the chemical ingredients and diet crap, so I decided to go with gelato-yes, it is quite fattening; however, there's only seven ingredients in it: milk, sugar, cream, coconut, dextrose, carob gum, and vanilla. Now I know that's not healthy, but if I'm going to indulge in something, I like to know what every ingredient is.
Let me tell you, this gelato is worth it. Every extra mile I have to run. I'd run for you, gelato.

On that note, good night :)