Tim and I are trying something new. Twice a month, every other week, we're putting our computers away and keeping the tv off. Just for a day. We did this yesterday; and yes, we did go watch a movie, but I was amazed at how much we had to talk about. People don't realize nowadays how much our lives are run by computers. Tim loves to play video games (it's his #3 thing in his life), and he actually kept the tv off all day, even when I was at work. It made me feel better about our relationship. I was beginning to feel like we were barely talking to each other! It felt like we come home, I make dinner, and we either watch tv or do something on the computer, with little to no interaction with each other. That's not the way relationships GROW!
It was amazing how much more calm I felt. I think having electricity running all day, every day isn't a good thing. Hopefully our little "no electronics" date nights will continue.
Such a good idea! The hubs and I should try the same thing... if only I can get him on board with the idea. :)