Wednesday, November 2, 2011

New jobs

Looking for a new job is tough. Tim and I had saved money all spring/summer to move to a different city. We planned a specific day we were going to take our applications to places. AND, we even got call backs and one-more-call-almost guaranteed jobs! But who would have thought that we wouldn't get those jobs because we can't find a home to rent??? That's right. We couldn't afford to live; rather, we could have but wouldn't have had any money to spend after paying for rent. So, we did the smart thing and didn't move.

I've been looking around where we currently live to find another job. I got an interview yesterday through our local hospital; however, when I left the interview, none of my important questions had been answered-you know, wages, vacation time, WHO I'm going to work for...I left the interview not even knowing who I would be working for (there's approx. 15 doctors affiliated with the hospital, and the interviewer didn't even know who I would be working for)! It's extremely frustrating hoping an interview will go well and it sort of flopping. I did great, minus sweating half to death. I'm the kind of person who gets EXTREMELY nervous before an interview-I even had a rash on my arms, which made me have to wear a sweater. Definitely didn't help my sweating :) They did say I'm the type of person they're looking for, and Friday I'm going to be job shadowing. That way I can see if I really want the job. After I job shadow for a few hours, I'm going to go back and talk to the woman who did my interview; and by then she'd better know who I'll be working for and how much I'll be getting paid. I mean, why would I leave my secure job for something I know nothing about?

Good news, Tim got a promotion-he applied for another job where he works-he'll be the PIC (person in charge), and he didn't even have to ask for a raise, they actually offered him more money than he was going to ask for. Best part? He's only going to be working part time but will be making the same amount of money he's making right now full time. He'll actually be able to go to school :) I'm so proud of him.

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