Thursday, January 12, 2012

These are a couple projects I recently did-it's amazing how a little bit of paint can completely change what something looks like!

This is a shelf I got from my parent's garage sale :)
After! I LOVE IT! The awesome record player is also from my parent's garage sale! I love playing vinyls-they've got that "homey" sound to them, all crackly. I just love it. If you're wondering, my AWESOME sister made the picture "You are my sunshine" for my birthday last year. I just love her so much :)
We don't have a pantry, so I needed somewhere to put the extra food we have. I love it!
I have a couple other crafty ideas I've had, just no pictures yet :)

Today marks SIX YEARS that I've been with Tim. Since he has to work tonight, I took the day off of work. We're going to be going to a little bistro for lunch, cold stone creamery for dessert if I can help it :), and will probably just lounge around for the rest of the day. I LOVE the cake batter/banana ice cream at cold stone creamery! It's just like having banana cake :D I like the watermelon sorbet too. Heck, I'm sure I love EVERYTHING there :) Hope everyone has a great day!

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