Monday, February 6, 2012

detox weekend

I've been feeling gross lately. Gross meaning gross physically and just feeling disgusting with myself and how I'm living (meaning my food choices, laziness.etc). Whenever I start feeling like this, I know it's time for a detox weekend. Detoxing makes me feel clean (especially on the inside :D), I notice a change in my skin (clearer), I feel more energized, and BONUS-I'm not interested in crappy food after my detox is done!

The weekend started out with my getting AWESOME deals at the grocery store-I purchased more fruits and veggies than what is shown on this page for UNDER $20! I was SO HAPPY! (fyi-never juice bananas-it doesn't work. tim actually uses bananas in his protein drinks, they just happened to be in the picture.)
Juicing my first concoction. I know there's specific ways on how you're supposed to juice. This past summer when I was a juice fanatic, I did it properly. Now that it's winter, however, it's almost impossible to buy the specific fruits/veggies I need and stay under budget. I know there's specific fruits/veggies you're not supposed to mix together; however, this weekend, I didn't care. I just wanted juice. I do believe this concoction had spinach, celery, carrots, pineapple, pear, and cucumber. YUM!!! (By the way, it's takes a while to get used to certain juices. Stay with it!)
FROTHY! (TMI-the froth always makes me gag-yuck)

Ready to drink my first juice of the weekend! 
This is all the skin..etc leftover-they say you can keep this to use for soup and whatnot-have you ever smelled this? I wouldn't use it in my soup, especially because I put fruit in my juice.
ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS clean your juicer IMMEDIATELY after using. If you don't, all the food will dry and get stuck, making it almost IMPOSSIBLE to get off!
my weekend "food"-lemon water CONSTANTLY-when you detox, you HAVE to drink A LOT of water! I normally drink either lemon water or peppermint or green tea. Those are three of the best things to drink while detoxing. The drink on the right I do believe was pineapple, grapefruit, orange, and cucumber. It was so pretty! Slighty sour too :)

Okay, I cheated :) So my brother was spending the night with us, and I had already planned on making pizza before I realized I would be on a detox. Well, everyone knows how AMAZING pizza smells when it's baking; and while my self control may be good, it's not that good. I decided to make my own mini "healthy" pizza. It had red and yellow peppers, carrots (surprisingly good-weird, huh?), tomatoes, onion, and feta cheese. It. was. awesome. I'm totally making it again.

My cat has nothing to do with my detox, but she looked so cute-there was a bird right outside, and she got SO excited :)

All in all, my weekend was AWESOME. I'm feeling more energized than I was; and overall, I just feel more healthy. I would highly recommend a detox.

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