The past couple of days I spent on Pinterest cleaning out my boards. I am happy to say my likes are down from 1200 to under 100, my "get in the closet" pins are down from 450 to under 200, "home" is down from 350 to something...etc...and I feel so much lighter! Isn't it weird how something online like Pinterest can stress you out without realizing it?
Tim and I went to a baseball game a while back with my employer...have you had one of these ropes before? They're terrible.
Tim and I love living on Lake Michigan. We love taking walks.
We also love acting stupid. :)
Bath time with Micah!
He's so stinkin' cute.
I tried posting a video of me doing a so called flip, but it didn't work for some reason...Tim's flips are much cooler anyway.
I swear, this is the cutest moomoo I've ever seen.

My second time ever playing golf. My employer thought it'd be fun to play 18 took us 5 hours. Never again. Maybe 9 holes.
Can you tell he's played before? I look pretty stupid when I golf.
Came home to this in the mail. I love days like this :) And I've read both the books since getting them. "Eat, Pray, Love" is a GREAT book. I didn't care for the movie the first time I watched it; but because I liked the book so much, I ended up buying the movie. I watched it for a second time, and it made much more sense after reading the book. I highly recommend it. "My Life in France" is a also great read. Much of it was in the movie "Julie & Julia", which I also recommend :)
Random much? :) Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Random much? :) Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!