Friday, August 2, 2013

Almost our entire town was without power for a day...wait, let me say that again, it was the HOTTEST day this summer (at least it felt like it) when we were without power. I got home from work and STUPIDLY decided to work out-I practically died I was so hot after working out for about 15 minutes. I seriously had sweat dripping from practically every pore of my body. It was disgusting. Anyway, Tim and I realized there was no possible way we could stay home, so we decided to drive to the next town over for dinner. And some air conditioning. 
 Yum yum! They had trivia cards at each table-SMART! What a good idea to keep people's minds off of the wait for food!
 We drove past the library, and they were having a FREE book sale! Nothin' better than a FREE book sale...well, except for finding books you actually want haha. It must have been a couple days into the sale because there was absolutely nothing good. Oh well.
 We ended the night out on the deck. It was great. Our power finally turned on at about 12:30am.
 Love watchin' him play. He's so good.
 Some friends invited us to hang out with them at the beach. It was so much fun! And how cute is their son?
Mr. Muscle Man ;) Seriously. Look at his muscles. What the heck. Why when I work out all the time does nothing happen to my arms, and yet he can barely work out and look like that??? Not that I personally want to look like that, just more toned, but still. Not fair.

We then went to House of Flavors for ice cream :) Avery had to try each person's ice cream :)

We haven't had too many things planned this summer for fun, so it was nice actually getting out of the house :) I've still got plenty of activities to do and places to go on my list for this summer; considering it's August already, I think Tim and I need to get crackin'!

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