Saturday, August 13, 2016

Today is a lazy day :) I've worked out five days this week, and since I feel like I've hyperextended my right knee and my tendinitis is kicking up in my wrist, I've decided to not work out today. I woke up around 6:30 this morning, and so far I've cleaned out my Bible case (I had church programs since 2005 in there!!!), done two loads of towels, a load of clothes, read some blogs, and made lunch. I started watching "Orphan Black" too-so far I'm not sure sure about it, but I'll give it a couple more episodes.

I've also made our meal plan for the week:

Saturday: Chicken burgers with sweet potato fries
Sunday: Leftovers
Monday:  Chicken, bacon, avocado wraps (This is one of the few meals Tim has said "This is really good!")
Tuesday: BBQ chicken salad
Wednesday: Turkey tacos
Thursday: Taco leftovers
Friday: Taco salad
Saturday: Leftovers
Rebecca, you and Sam would really like these :) I don't use 1/2 cup of mayo like the recipe calls for, more like 1/3 cup. Make sure to heat up your tortilla so they're a bit crunchy on the stove :)

The menu's nothing super exciting, but it's all homemade and relatively healthy..besides the mayo in the wraps and the practically whole bottle of Zesty Catalina dressing in the taco salad :)

My car has been leaking oil lately; we took it to our mechanic, and it cost over $800 to fix it. Needless to say, I am looking to make cheap and easy recipes as well as not spend any extra money. It has pretty much depleted my vacation savings :( We're still hoping to go to the east coast this October for our anniversary and my birthday, but I'll just really have to watch how much I spend when we're there.

See that muscle right there??? Pretty sure it's just the lighting haha :)

This evening will be more of Orphan Black and making some flat bread pizza. I'm SUPER hoping I'll start blogging more often-it seems like it forces me to do things or make new foods-otherwise you get a picture of the cat and my arm :)

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