Thursday, April 18, 2013

PAX 2013

Our first day in Boston was spent at PAX-after that Heather and I split up from the guys and explored Boston, Concord, and Salem.
Showing off their three-day badges :)
Heather and I got super hungry at we split a burrito. It was awesome.
This is the the line we would have been in if we hadn't purchased our tickets 5 months in advance :)
Testing out a game :) By the way, I got my camera bag from's awesome. PERFECT size for traveling-I was able to fit my camera, charger, wallet, TWO water bottles lol, and more. It still didn't feel all that heavy :)
Elder Scrolls-Tim and the guys waited over 3 hours to play this game for 20 minutes! They did get a free t-shirt, so it was worth it, right? :) They even went back the next day and played again...and since Tim is such a sweetheart, he got his second free shirt in my size :)
The one group of guys I really wanted to meet...Mega64! They have these awesome videos called GameGurlz, where they go to E3 (largest video game convention in U.S.) dressed as girls and act like how they think girls would...I guess you'd have to see it. It's really funny :)
There were lots of people dressed in costume
Heather was SUPER excited when she saw Ghost Busters walking later in the day when we saw them again, she sprinted to them and we got a picture :)
Elder Scrolls had a food truck! They must have spent millions of dollars promoting their game because this isn't the only thing they did, and they were even giving this food away for FREE.
I got a grilled cheese with pesto....SO GOOD.
I LOVE how this turned out-he just turned and looked at me like this. I hurried up, grabbed my camera,  and took a picture without even looking to see what I was doing. It turned out awesome.
They had this green screen where you could get your picture done...
We are pretty awesome lol
Some crazy statues
This was, I think, the happiest I've ever seen Tim. He smiled in so many pictures :)
Energy drinks :)
Disgusting, I know....I have a thing for guys from history lol. I've actually taken pictures with a guy from the 1800s in a photo at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island, a knight at Universal Studios...etc. I'm weird like that lol
We were guilty of being the greatest Boston explorers of all time :)
That night we went to this place called Papa Gino's, and it was some of the worst food I've ever had. I got a pizza that was $12...tasted worse than a Totinos pizza. Tim got a meatball was cold. Heather's fries tasted like they were pieces of metal dipped in grease. Ben and Keith were the only ones who had decent food. 

Overall a fun day until the end lol

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