Saturday, October 29, 2011

Today my mom and I went to a baby shower for my second cousin. Not only was it nice to spend the day with her, but every aunt of mine minus one was there. Normally when I go to these types of things, my older sister is there, and I don't normally converse with people as much. I think it's because we spent so much time with each other growing up and were always "attached" at the hip at different events. It was nice this time actually "forcing" myself to communicate with everyone. Not that I have a hard time talking with my family or anything :) For the past few years, I just haven't been too social, so it was slightly awkward trying to think of things to say, but the only way to become a better conversationalist is to put yourself out there, right? Turns out, we had a lot of fun :) And, to top it all off, I won a game! I never win anything! Granted, it didn't include thinking at all, but I won nevertheless :).

Not to change the subject, but what is it with tv shows these days? I like to think of myself as being an optimistic person. I LOVE romance, comedies, dramas; you know, things that make you feel warm and fuzzy at the end. Tim? Not so much. Our tv show preferences are quite different at times.  Trust me, Tim loves watching happy stuff too, but he loves watching more "dark" stuff. Not horror, but things that are, well, to me, sort of depressing. Shows like "Dexter," or "Breaking Bad," which is what we're currently watching. As much as I would like to watch something else, THESE SHOWS ARE SO ADDICTING!!! There's something about these kinds of shows that just draw you in. Whoever makes these shows is extremely smart, or rather, in it for the money. It's just like reality tv. As terrible as the shows are, I will admit, I do watch a couple of them. There's just something about them...

Back to good things...yesterday my mom and I went to my sister's house and planned what we're going to be doing for Thanksgiving and Christmas. With everyone's schedules being so hectic around this time of year, we decided to plan everything early :) We even know what we're going to eat for Black Friday to keep us going in the middle of the night :). I just LOVE this time of year! Yesterday I went to Walmart, and just the smell of cinnamon in the Christmas aisle made me happy.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

"No Electronics" Date Nights

Tim and I are trying something new. Twice a month, every other week, we're putting our computers away and keeping the tv off. Just for a day. We did this yesterday; and yes, we did go watch a movie, but I was amazed at how much we had to talk about. People don't realize nowadays how much our lives are run by computers. Tim loves to play video games (it's his #3 thing in his life), and he actually kept the tv off all day, even when I was at work. It made me feel better about our relationship. I was beginning to feel like we were barely talking to each other! It felt like we come home, I make dinner, and we either watch tv or do something on the computer, with little to no interaction with each other. That's not the way relationships GROW!

It was amazing how much more calm I felt. I think having electricity running all day, every day isn't a good thing. Hopefully our little "no electronics" date nights will continue.